“The Lake of Light” by MID Studio

“The Lake of Light” by MID Studio

“The Lake of Light” is a light and sound performance shown in Barcelona Ciudadela Park during the summer of 2018. Thanks to the use of an element well known to its visitors; the boats of the lake, we created a beautiful installation with dynamic lights and...
‘PARABÒLIC’ by Playmodes

‘PARABÒLIC’ by Playmodes

“Implemented as an 11 minutes projection mapping of the parabolic dome in the main hall, the soundtrack is performed automatically by a real pipe organ. The inspiration for the visual aspects of the installation come from a detailed analysis of the dome’s...
‘315 Montgomery’ by SOFTlab

‘315 Montgomery’ by SOFTlab

“During the day the assembly comes together in the shape of a light organ, while at night, the tubes fade into the background and the cloud-like LEDs appear to flow through the back wall of the lobby.” – Excerpt from SOFTlab’s website. [Media...
‘Desert Wave / Standing Wave’ by Squidsoup

‘Desert Wave / Standing Wave’ by Squidsoup

“A breaking wave, made of light and sound, in the desert – a reminder of a powerful past, yet also a chimaera, a vision, something that is so ephemeral it isn’t really there. This contrast between massive power and incredible delicacy is one we wanted to...
Episode 009: Gabriel Dunne

Episode 009: Gabriel Dunne

April 1, 2020 This episode of the Podcast is with Gabriel Dunne, an interactive multimedia artist and code wizard who’s been a staple of the Bay Area new-media arts scene for more than a decade.  He’s one of the original members of the OOOShiny list, a gathering place...

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