‘PARABÒLIC’ by Playmodes
“Implemented as an 11 minutes projection mapping of the parabolic dome in the main hall, the soundtrack is performed automatically by a real pipe organ. The inspiration for the visual aspects of the installation come from a detailed analysis of the dome’s...
‘315 Montgomery’ by SOFTlab
“During the day the assembly comes together in the shape of a light organ, while at night, the tubes fade into the background and the cloud-like LEDs appear to flow through the back wall of the lobby.” – Excerpt from SOFTlab’s website. [Media...
‘Desert Wave / Standing Wave’ by Squidsoup
“A breaking wave, made of light and sound, in the desert – a reminder of a powerful past, yet also a chimaera, a vision, something that is so ephemeral it isn’t really there. This contrast between massive power and incredible delicacy is one we wanted to...