‘Zhuhai Love Post Office’ by Digital Fun

‘Zhuhai Love Post Office’ by Digital Fun

“Love Post Office has been always the symbol of Zhuhai, Guangzhou Province, P.R. China. Giant Wood Agency approached Digital FUN to change the traditional Post Office into a visual nighttime destination. They wanted an interactive solution for presenting...
‘LUMES Holt Street’ by ENESS

‘LUMES Holt Street’ by ENESS

“LUMES at Holt Street is an early experiment in light art and its effect on wellbeing in workplace design. The content in this location was created to be in sync with the circadian rhythms of employees. In the morning, when energies are low but productivity and...
‘NOMA Earth Tubes’ by Light4

‘NOMA Earth Tubes’ by Light4

“The 3 kinnect cameras linked to over 28,000 addressable LEDs via the traxon control equipment, allows for a multiude of movement driven animations and effects.  Alongside this are pre-programmed animations such as sunrise and sunset effects, a sound to light...
‘Samuel De Champlain Bridge’ by HLB Lighting

‘Samuel De Champlain Bridge’ by HLB Lighting

“Working closely with the engineering team for over five years, HLB’s designers developed the complex lighting system that carries the dynamic movement of light along the structure’s entire three-mile length and up the inner faces of the cable stay tower....

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