
Over the years of producing custom bespoke lighting installations, we have come to rely on a select toolkit of products to facilitate our work. All have been fully vetted by our team and proven their worth in the field. Our criteria has always been reliability, build quality and features, and a good balance between cost and performance. We’ve decided to make this toolkit available to the greater community via this online shop in order to help foster the growth of the illuminated arts.

We’d like you to consider this shop more than a place to source products, but a resource to learn how complex lighting installations are designed and built. To facilitate our customers’ education, we’ve put together a knowledge base with articles on many subjects of controllable lighting technology. We hope you will read through these articles in order to make educated purchasing decisions.

Click on a product category above for a complete review of the options, along with our notes on the pros & cons of each. We try to offer a variety of options that will fit a range of styles and needs. Of course, we’d say the best way for you to approach your project is to just reach out and ask!

Custom LED Strip

Addressable LED made easy! Order a custom batch of LED strip in almost any configuration to meet the specific needs of your project.

Custom LED Strip

Order a custom batch of LED strip in almost any configuration to meet the specific needs of your project.

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Custom LED Strip

Addressable LED made easy! Order a custom batch of LED strip in almost any configuration to meet the specific needs of your project.

Custom LED Strip

Order a custom batch of LED strip in almost any configuration to meet the specific needs of your project.



905 Parker St. Berkeley, CA 94710

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