‘Between Mind and Matter’ by Nick Verstand & Salvador Breed

‘Between Mind and Matter’ by Nick Verstand & Salvador Breed

“Between Mind and Matter (2019) explores the subtle and diffuse transition space between physical and perceived reality. How do we relate to this newly found space? Seemingly tangible laser light creates a perceptual architecture in the space, modulating through...
‘Yagan Square’ by Ramus

‘Yagan Square’ by Ramus

“We designed four integrated light and digital installations to deepen the culturally inclusive narrative. The first two low-resolution displays were integrated into the amphitheatre canopies. Light skinned surfaces above and below each canopy, an element...
Episode 008: Keith Anderson

Episode 008: Keith Anderson

February 12, 2020 Keith and I met for the first time during my trip to Vegas this year for the LDI Conference.  I learned about his work as a VJ in the festival scene years ago and at Burning Man this year he started dating one of my installation techs (small world,...
‘Airship Orchestra’ by ENESS

‘Airship Orchestra’ by ENESS

“The Airship Orchestra is a mystical tribe of otherworldly characters beamed from the night stars, skin streaked with galaxy and voices like stardust. Appearing across the globe in 2020 including Washington, DC for Christmas and in Xintiandi, Shanghai as part of...

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