‘The Living Lantern’ by Frankie Boyle Studio & NEON

‘The Living Lantern’ by Frankie Boyle Studio & NEON

“Lanterns are a universal symbol of brightness, transcendence and guiding light. In various cultures they are viewed as symbols of love, wisdom and illumination. Lanterns symbolise the inner light that guides the soul through periods of darkness with the promise...
‘Digital Phyllotaxy’ by Jason Bruges Studio

‘Digital Phyllotaxy’ by Jason Bruges Studio

“Deriving its name from the arrangement of leaves on a stem, Digital Phyllotaxy is a physical metaphor for a tree. Designed for Hankook Tire’s new headquarters in Pangyo, Seoul, the artwork is inspired by the vertical journey through the building and explores...
‘Passage’ by Serge Maheu

‘Passage’ by Serge Maheu

“PASSAGE is an immersive, minimalist, contemplative and interactive artwork that explores the emotional connections we develop with light and sound. The concept of the artwork takes root in the definition of the word passage itself: the act of moving through or...
End of the Year Wrap Up

End of the Year Wrap Up

Link to Full Newsletter DIGITAL AMBIANCE, JANUARY 2022 What we’ve been up to and a peek at what we’ve got coming ahead… ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Our long-awaited project in the...

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