Episode 001: Brian Pinkham

Episode 001: Brian Pinkham

March 18, 2019 Hey everyone, welcome to the brand new Luminous Podcast!  This is a new conversational series where I’m going to sit down with new media artists from across the spectrum.  My goal with this program is to give a public voice to the people behind the most...
‘Moonrise’ by Squidsoup

‘Moonrise’ by Squidsoup

“A massive sphere of light, with pulses of light energy radiating outward as it visualizes an abstracted moonrise in three dimensions, that can be experienced from afar or from its epicenter.” – Excerpt from Squidsoup’s website [Media from...
‘Hope’ by Aether & Hemera

‘Hope’ by Aether & Hemera

“HOPE is a large-scale text sculpture featuring hundreds of colour changing LED tubes, along with speakers projecting local people’s experiences of the First World War. The twenty-metre-long installation casts synchronized luminous forms in the immediate...
‘Assen Van Assen’ by Matthias Oostrik

‘Assen Van Assen’ by Matthias Oostrik

“The design of Assen Van Assen is inspired by the city plan of Assen. The surface is made of corroded steel and is crossed by a network of light: A glossy drawing of the surrounding streets, entangled by a maze of glowing channels that pulsate with waves of blue...

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