Cultivation Wall

Cultivation Wall

Cultivation Wall

Products Used: Custom LED Video Tile

Dimensional Innovations approached us in early 2023 with a concept for a feature wall at the American Century Investments headquarters in Kansas City.  The custom wall would combine sculptural elements with LED tile mounted behind an acrylic diffusion layer.  Our job was to design custom LED cabinets and a mounting system that would allow the video panels to be positioned precisely in relation to the sculptural facade.


We worked hand in hand with the Dimensional Innovations engineering team to produce the engineering documents needed for the fabrication of the facade and the electronics.  Once the materials had been produced, we flew our integration team to Kansas City for installation.  In a clockwork collaborative process both the Digital Ambiance and Dimensional Innovations teams worked together to erect the feature wall at the American Century Investments campus.  The end result was a lobby unlike any other with flowing graphics seamlessly integrated into the architecture of the space.  The relationship between Digital Ambiance and Dimensional Innovations continues to thrive with ongoing projects and inspiration.

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