Final Hours To Vote!

Final Hours To Vote!

We recently applied to build an outdoor feature for the new Google Campus in Mountain View, California. Google is collaborating with Burning Man Org to select 5 public artworks for this new campus. The project we submitted, MAGIC CARPET, has made it onto the short...
Voting Still Open!

Voting Still Open!

We recently applied to build an outdoor feature for the new Google Campus in Mountain View, California. Google is collaborating with Burning Man Org to select 5 public artworks for this new campus. The project we submitted, MAGIC CARPET, has made it onto the short...
DA could be on a project for Google!

DA could be on a project for Google!

We recently applied to build an outdoor feature for the new Google Campus in Mountain View, California. Google is collaborating with Burning Man Org to select 5 public artworks for this new campus. The project we submitted, MAGIC CARPET, has made it onto the short...

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