Vote for Us for SXSW Panel Picker 2023!

Vote for Us for SXSW Panel Picker 2023!

SXSW PanelPicker Voting is Open for 2023! Please consider voting for Digital Interactive Placemaking!   DIGITAL INTERACTIVE PLACEMAKING The practice of Digital Placemaking through lighting has transformed dramatically in recent years, with technology such as...
‘Circle of Life’ by Limelight

‘Circle of Life’ by Limelight

“As a philosophical concept, the circle of life means that we start at the end and end in the beginning. Our lives, from beginning to end, resemble a complete full circle. No matter how big or small the circle is, it ends in the exact same way for everyone. It’s...
‘City Bloom’ by Zebbler Studios & Pamela Hersch

‘City Bloom’ by Zebbler Studios & Pamela Hersch

“Inspired by a local flower store, this animation created by Boston-based artist Zebbler, grew from a single projection to a building-wide video texture over the course of a few months. With verdant bursts of flowers, vines and branches slowly growing over the...
Episode 023: Bill Galusha

Episode 023: Bill Galusha

Bill and I started to circle each other off of the Shiny list about a year and a half ago.  He’s an OG head in the new media arts scene and he’s worked with some of the most iconic groups and projects in our community.  Bot and Dolly, Future Forward, Nonotak, Obscura,...
Vote for Us for SXSW PanelPicker 2022!

Vote for Us for SXSW PanelPicker 2022!

SXSW PanelPicker Voting is Open for 2022! Please consider voting for Digital Interactive Placemaking & A 24hr Cycle of Human Centric Lighting!   DIGITAL INTERACTIVE PLACEMAKING The practice of architectural placemaking through lighting has transformed...

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