“As a philosophical concept, the circle of life means that we start at the end and end in the beginning. Our lives, from beginning to end, resemble a complete full circle. No matter how big or small the circle is, it ends in the exact same way for everyone. It’s...
“Inspired by a local flower store, this animation created by Boston-based artist Zebbler, grew from a single projection to a building-wide video texture over the course of a few months. With verdant bursts of flowers, vines and branches slowly growing over the...
Link to Full Newsletter DIGITAL AMBIANCE, JANUARY 2022 What we’ve been up to and a peek at what we’ve got coming ahead… ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Our long-awaited project in the...
“Surface is a virtual billabong – a 10 by 5m installation of 2,000 ceiling-mounted LED pixel tubes. When pedestrian movement is detected, a virtual stone is thrown into the billabong – causing ripples to travel out over its simulated surface....
Check out Digital Ambiance’s work in the latest issue of CODAMagazine! “Technology & Art VIII: Enhancing the experience of art with digital technology: design + art projects use video, sound, 3D printing, interactive installations, conductive paint,...