Vote for Us for SXSW Panel Picker 2023!
SXSW PanelPicker Voting is Open for 2023! Please consider voting for Digital Interactive Placemaking! DIGITAL INTERACTIVE PLACEMAKING The practice of Digital Placemaking through lighting has transformed dramatically in recent years, with technology such as...
‘Circle of Life’ by Limelight
“As a philosophical concept, the circle of life means that we start at the end and end in the beginning. Our lives, from beginning to end, resemble a complete full circle. No matter how big or small the circle is, it ends in the exact same way for everyone. It’s...
“Cimbalom Circle” by Daily Tous Les Jours
“Cimbalom Circle is part of Daily’s Musical Pavement series that brings a new musical dimension to cities. These artworks live permanently in urban architecture to stimulate the emergence of new gathering habits and opportunities for a wide audience to play...