Vote for Us for SXSW Panel Picker 2023!
SXSW PanelPicker Voting is Open for 2023! Please consider voting for Digital Interactive Placemaking! DIGITAL INTERACTIVE PLACEMAKING The practice of Digital Placemaking through lighting has transformed dramatically in recent years, with technology such as...
‘Chinook Arc’ by Joe O’Connell & Blessing Hancock
“Chinook Arc is an interactive, illuminated sculpture that reflects our impressions of the Beltline neighborhood as a well defined, confident and vibrant community. The form draws inspiration from the historic Beltline Streetcar loop that once encircled the...
Episode 025: Nathan Lachenmyer
In this episode, I sit down with my friend Nathan Lachenmyer to talk about his work as a creative technologist. He started his career at MIT, in my hometown of Boston, which is actually how I met Nathan in the first place. Nathan is a super talented creator and he’s...