“Cupid’s Koi Garden is the world’s first inflatable fountain: a fantastical artwork that emerges from your ordinary vista like a mirage. The installation is a combination of classical statues depicting cupid and formal civic fountains and is a statement about...
“Cimbalom Circle” by Daily Tous Les Jours

“Cimbalom Circle” by Daily Tous Les Jours

“Cimbalom Circle is part of Daily’s Musical Pavement series that brings a new musical dimension to cities. These artworks live permanently in urban architecture to stimulate the emergence of new gathering habits and opportunities for a wide audience to play...
‘Chinook Arc’ by Joe O’Connell & Blessing Hancock

‘Chinook Arc’ by Joe O’Connell & Blessing Hancock

“Chinook Arc is an interactive, illuminated sculpture that reflects our impressions of the Beltline neighborhood as a well defined, confident and vibrant community. The form draws inspiration from the historic Beltline Streetcar loop that once encircled the...
‘City Bloom’ by Zebbler Studios & Pamela Hersch

‘City Bloom’ by Zebbler Studios & Pamela Hersch

“Inspired by a local flower store, this animation created by Boston-based artist Zebbler, grew from a single projection to a building-wide video texture over the course of a few months. With verdant bursts of flowers, vines and branches slowly growing over the...
‘Virtual Sky’ by Narduli Studio

‘Virtual Sky’ by Narduli Studio

“VIRTUAL SKY is a realtime LED light sculpture that spans the two large public atriums of the city’s new Convention Center. Thin cylindrical anodized titanium forms create a 3 Dimensional environment that simulates the movement of the Oklahoma Sky. The palette...

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