The Unical Dragons

Illuminated Dragons With Smoke Effects for Company Headquarters

Our first major client, this project for Unical Aviation helped Digital Ambiance launch as a design firm back in 2011.  An eccentric business owner had a vision to transform his world headquarters into a magnificent gallery of art and light.

The owner commissioned Digital Ambiance and 3form Light-Art to create a pair of 60ft long acrylic Chinese dragons that would mask the seismic support beams that ran through the office. Light would flow from tip to tail in rhythmic pulses, smoke would rise from the nostrils, and it would roar on command. Oh, and it would all be controlled from a custom iPad app on tablets mounted throughout the space.

With the successful completion of the Dragons, Digital Ambiance was asked to come back to light other elements of the office and to link these lighting elements (including the dragons) to a grand player piano sitting in the lobby. As people played the piano, it would trigger corresponding lighting throughout the office creating the illusion that you were playing the entire building.  It is an amazing effect and still one of our flagship projects to date.

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