Geometric Light Sculptures

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Artist James Nizam utilizes programmable lighting elements and mirrors to create subtle yet awe-inspiring geometric light installations. By using mirrors, James can create complex forms, such as tetrahedrons, stacked triangles, and intersecting rectangles.  More recently, Nizam has added color and moved his light sculptures outdoors, casting a blue triangle of light against a city at night in Visible Horizon and forming a blue and pink 16-sided form in Octagram. No matter the location, Nizam’s pieces give a visually physical presence to the immateriality of light, building forms from literal smoke and mirrors.

James NIzam; thought form; fan; light; light sculpture; sun; sunlight; photography; art; architecture; geometry;

James NIzam; thought form; fold; light; light sculpture; sun; sunlight; photography; art; architecture; geometry;

James; Nizam; thoughtform; icosahedron; light; sculpture; art; photography

James Nizam; Visible Horizon; thought form; light; light sculpture; photography; art; architecture

James Nizam; octagram; three movements describing an octagram; light; light sculpture; photography; art; architecture; installation

James Nizam; octagram; light; light sculpture; photography; art; architecture; installation

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