Bill and I started to circle each other off of the Shiny list about a year and a half ago. He’s an OG head in the new media arts scene and he’s worked with some of the most iconic groups and projects in our community. Bot and Dolly, Future Forward, Nonotak, Obscura, GMunk, VT Pro, Leviathan, he’s been around the block and literally knows everyone doing anything cool with tech art. Just recently we started working together in a professional context and I thought it was about time we did an episode together. You should check this one out if for no other reason than to listen to us gossip like old grandpas and reminisce stories from the heat of battle. I consider Bill a good friend at this point, someone who really understands the game and I can talk to about the challenges that I face putting together crews and running my company. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did, it’s a good one!