Episode 022: Nicholas Perillo

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Nick is the creative mind behind one of the most impressive works of kinetic new media arts I’ve seen. The piece is called morph and it’s truly a genius mix of form, motion, light, and sound. I saw the work come through my social media feeds and immediately wanted to get in touch.

Our conversation was mostly about the creative process, I wanted to understand how Morph went from concept to reality. Hired by a curator from Austria to produce the piece for a gallery show in a renovated castle, the final setting for this piece could not be a better contrast to their high-tech installation.

His co-creators, MindBuffer, developed the software used to drive the light, motion, and sound and are geniuses in their own right. I definitely look forward to meeting them as well. They all came together in Berlin and worked out of a maker space called MotionLab to finish the build.

Definitely check out their portfolio page before you listen to this episode so you get a sense of the project we’re talking about. Hope you enjoy the episode, I know I did!

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