July 16, 2019
My friendship with Scott goes back to before I moved to the West Coast. He’s an artist & programmer that made his name coding phenomenal generative artwork. His most well-known piece, titled “Electric Sheep”, started as a self-evolving algorithm, gaining traction in the Motion Graphics community before becoming a phenomenon unto itself. Seeing the potential in crowdsourcing the processing that created the generative patterns, he created a system allowing users to vote on the visual characteristics of each pattern and allowed the most successful art pieces to “mate” with each other, creating offspring with similar traits based on that of its parent patterns. In this way, Scott’s art evolves and progresses with a life of its own.
Today I sat down with Scott in the offices of his new employer, CTRL-Labs, a company working to bridge the human-computer divide with a new type of user input device that taps directly into the nerve impulses in a user’s wrist. Doesn’t get much more trans-human that that… Enjoy the episode!